"Līdzās ideālam" group show
Ogļu iela 12 a, Rīga
Open from Aug 30, 2023
Request an appointment here: https://olafoundation.lv/en/products/ola-foundation-apmeklejums
11.06. – 27.08.2022
Marta Veinberga solo show,
participating artists Nic Hess, Carlos Kusnir, Peter Radelfinger
ARS 28
Weinbergstrasse 17
CH – 8001 Zürich
Schweiz – Switzerland
+41 78 981 27 72
I – II: by appoitment only
III – V: 11:00 – 18:30
VI: 12:00 – 16:00
During a one week workshop in the Steindruckerei Wolfensberger, Zurich, Switzerland, Marta Veinberga created a series of 24 original litographs. All the works are featuring the same subject - a soviet design letter-box - but every one is different depending on employed litography techniques (including traditional and modern methods) and their color combinations (up to 8 colors per work are used).
The photo gallery above shows a part of the working process.
Please contact gallery Ars28 to view and acquire the works www.ars28.ch .
The project was supported by the gallery Ars28 (CH) and the State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia.
Photogarphy by Sebastian Rinderknecht, Uldis Mākulis, Marta Veinberga.
This is a short film about Latvian artist and painter Marta Veinberga. In the film, she tells about the ideas and methods behind her series of paintings from supermarket / gas station prize stickers. It also features an episode from the collaboration between her and fashion artists Laima Jurča while making the fashion collection "Collective Blanket".
Year: 2020
Creative team: Aleksandrs Okonovs, Una Cekule, Krista Vāvere
Sakarā ar Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas simtgadi klajā laista grāmata "Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija. 100", kurā katru gadu no 1919. līdz 2019. gadam radoši interpretējis kāds no Latvijas māksliniekiem. Martas Veinbergas veidotā datorgrafika "Valūtas maiņa" atrodama 1993. gada atvērumā.
Darba idejisko un vizuālo pamatu veido 1993. gadā Latvijā notikusī pāreja no pagaidu naudas Latvijas rubļiem un valstiskumu apliecinošo Latvijas latu. Sižetiski apspēlēta pārmaiņu situācija valstī, kas atainojas rektora algas apmēra salīdzinājumā ar pirmā un vienīgā augstskolas datora vērtību (attiecībā 1:13.5). Arī darba vizuālā forma veidota, atsaucoties uz datorizācijas laikmeta sākumu, t.sk. robusto interfeisu un pirmajām datorspēlēm.
Grāmatas idejas autors: Kristaps Zariņš
Tekstu autors: Andris Teikmanis
Grāmatas dizains: Armands Zelčs
Fotogrāfiju autors: Reinis Hofmanis
This jewel is the Planner 2018 of the Art Academy of Latvia. Ilustrated by the students and professors, this colourful issue features diverse works in different media on the subject ANIMAL. A drawing of mine accompanies the 3rd week of October. Enjoy!
VETO magazine Vol 40, cover photo: Shared Blanket by Marta Veinberga
VETO magazine Vol 40, illustration by Marta Veinberga for the editor's column
VETO magazine Vol 40, interview with Marta Veinberga
VETO magazine Vol 40, illustration by Marta Veinberga for the discussion on DIY
Do it yourself! is the topic of the lates volume of the VETO magazine (#40, summer 2017). It was a pure pleasure to make some illustrations specially for this issue and to collaborate with VETO's charming creators in general.
... and finally, the moment you see stickers return to supermarkets and convenience stores at their new incarnation!
More on the magazine here: http://veto.lv/veto-magazine-40/
Sekojiet saitei zemāk, lai noskatītos video: / Please follow the link below to see the video:
Happy to see my Buffet printed in the Volume 3 drawing book by the artist collective Les Slips de Papa! Here two pictures from the book opening party in Nantes.
More on Les Slips here: